Playing Hard – Review

What did you learn about how products are built from concept to completion from watching?

The pitching phase seems to be the most difficult part of the entire production, as Jason’s idea kept getting shot down time after time from different studios. He had this vision in his head so clearly, yet no one was giving him the chance to realize his idea. In the end, he was attached to this idea for 10 years, which ended up messing things up later as he was reluctant to give up control on the project.

All of the extra things developers need to consider while creating the game, such as press coverage, live events and any unplanned events also. The different job roles were shown off quite well, from management to marketing and developers. It helped show the wider range of people needed to complete a project in games since there are plenty of different parts of a project that need managing all at once to keep things running smoothly.

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