Time Management Task

For this task, i was given an objective of creating a small project of my choosing in a strict 2 hour time limit. We could partner up with others who would compliment our skill set to create a realisable project withing the allocated time. I chose to create a perpetual motion machine in Unity, hoping to keep a ball moving around the screen indefinably.

I feel like I was able to efficiently plan out my time for the project, using the production schedule to map out the different things i needed to do.2 Hour task

However, i found it difficult to stick strictly to the schedule, as i wanted to fully complete things before moving on, even if i had ran out of time. TO make this easier, next time i could think in terms of smaller jobs, as i feel like i was pretty vague with tasks i had given myself. In future, i need to make sure that i stick to the schedule as if i work with other people, their tasks could rely on me completing my own jobs and handing them work so i would be holding up everyone else if i can’t keep up with the work.

In the end, my machine does work well, however it can only complete a couple rounds on the machine before the ball stops following and falls. If i had kept enough time at the end and stuck to my schedule, i could have caught this and looked for a solution to the problem.

PM machine

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