Production Management : Agile & Scrum

PM 2 Plan the provision of requirements for a specific production

PM 3 Be able to co-ordinate a production process


Agile is a series of values and principles that can help development teams work more efficiently with their project. A team can become more agile by choosing ways to complete tasks that line up with their chosen values and principles. Agile fully depends on the specific team and how they have chosen to work, as these values and principles will be unique to them. This way of production helps us develop products as it enables teams to be more fluid in their approach to problems, rather than be stuck rigid to a plan and not deviating from it. Being agile also helps people get involved with the project, which in turn increases communication.



Scrum is a way of developing a product that is more flexible that the rigid waterfall method of development. Rather than creating a plan and sticking to it throughout, you create smaller scale plans that take less time to develop. This leads to a minimum viable product that could be shipped as it is, with more sprints happening to embellish the product with more content. This approach to development leads to a more flexible workflow for the product, and allows for mid production changes if necessary.

Sprints are smaller, short term plans that are only for a small portion of the product, rather than the overarching plan featured in the waterfall method. They help to make a minimum viable product faster than in a waterfall and allow for more changes during development. This means that developers can react to feedback and the current market.

It’s important to check and update my project management documentation to make sure that I stick to my goals and so i stay on track with what i need to do for my project. If i fall behind, I could inform my team for help or switch to a different task if the current one has me stumped for now. Using Trello, our production schedule and a burndown chart will help us stay on track and show our progress in the project.

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