Blog Update – Synoptic Project

Following on from my last post, I wanted to write an update my team and my project. This will act as a list of work that I’ve been completing during quarantine for this project, and i plan to update my blog on a more regular basis with work going forward.

Firstly, my team has been having difficulties with communicating with each other, due to everything going on currently and not being in college currently. We set up and started using a personal Discord server to communicate between us as is was easier to use at home for us. This helped us at the start as it enabled us to come together and think of a new project to work on. We lay out work to do and who would do what, but after that we failed to keep each other updated on our current progress and how we were getting on. We were still working on the project to some degree, however we didn’t have anything we could bring together. I feel the main problem that caused this was due to not being at college and not being able to see each other in person. This made communication more difficult as we could only talk when they were online and not busy with other requirements due to this pandemic.

Recently, I reached out using this Discord server to check up on everyone and if they had made any progress during the time apart. We’ve started communicating a lot more frequently now, even if most of my teammates message me one on one as a more direct line of communication. It can still be difficult to reach my team, but this is a much better improvement over what we have been doing in the past.

Since we started talking a lot more, I’ve been leading my team and helping to direct their scope in terms of work. Due to us having limited time left for this project, I decided to create a list of assets and code that we could include for the project that they can work on if they have the time and means to. With me being the Unity worker and the one to pull the project together, I’ve been talking with my teammates the best I can to get updates on progress and  what they are working on. I hope to be able to combine our work into a prototype game, however I also want to be realistic and make sure I’m able to complete my own tasks I set myself first.


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